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Our Impact

 Our mission has always been to train large numbers of small-holder farmers, enabling them to grow and then achieve higher quality and productivity of export crops on a long-term, sustainable basis.

With the goal of helping reduce poverty by promoting sustainable cocoa and vanilla production and improving

farmer livelihoods we have set up the following:​


Farmer Training Programs

Esco’s team of agronomists provide farmer training and oversee the certification controls for organic, rainforest alliance and fair-trade. Training programs vary each year depending on the needs found during the previous year’s farm inspections.

Resource Provision

Since 1999, we have enabled the planting of over 10 million cocoa trees and provide access to other tools including pruning secateurs and tarpaulins. Esco also leverages funding from additional sources to enable more farmers to grow these crops profitably.


Esco helps farmers to organise formal groups which facilitate access to improved markets and prices. In Bundibugyo, Esco supported farmers to set-up the Kikalizo cooperative which is now a key sourcing partner.

Community Projects

Esco has worked on numerous projects in the areas in which we operate. From building churches, maternity wards, and a library to water projects, financial access, and other improvements it is a joy to see the communities we work with thrive.

Fostering Entrepreneurship

Esco continues to provide training in farm planning, income diversification and
entrepreneurship, and will always strive to provide further employment and
opportunities to those we partner with.

Farmer Training with Esco

Esco Uganda conducts training alongside our certification program and have trained thousands of farmers to date on topics from good agricultural practice and environmental responsibility to social issues and financial management. Training plays a significant role in our goal of uplifting and empowering farmers and communities.

 ​Our farming modules include:​

Preparing land and the environment.

Establishing a nursery.

Planting crops and shade management.


Cocoa fermenting.

Post-harvest handling techniques.

 Pests and diseases.

Pruning, weeding and regeneration techniques.

Soil and fertility management. 

Conservation management.

Here are a few stories from farmers we work with...

John Ivan Nkono

In 2010, Esco Uganda opened a store in Mayuge and started buying cocoa at premium prices, training cocoa farmers on good agricultural practices and post-harvest handling techniques while establishing cocoa nurseries and distributing to farmers.


John was amongst the farmers who benefited from this and was inspired to gap fill and extend his cocoa plantation due to the market stability he found in Esco. 

He said, "Esco has changed my life for good; today I am a model cocoa farmer and have hosted many government leaders including ministers and local leaders. I thank Esco for guiding me in this journey. I have been able to educate my children, bought land and shared it among them, built a permanent house, built a modern raised cocoa drying platform, built a fermentation house and a poultry house, bought a motorcycle and my first car which I am currently using to give lifts to my fellow farmers and even assist them in cases of emergencies where there`s no vehicle in the village."

Monica Nkabasakira

Monica is from Bundikieganwa village in Bundibugyo and started growing cocoa in 2006 when Esco Uganda Ltd introduced organic farming in Kasitu Zone. 

Farming organically transformed Monica’s life. The increase in farm yields and the introduction of fair trade means that she can confidently plan in advance for the money she will receive for her crop. 

From cocoa sales, Monica purchased more land. Monica started with 1.5 acres but now has 4.5 acres of cocoa fields and 2 fields to grow food crops for diversified income. In addition, Monica has 6 children and has been able to pay school fees. The eldest is in secondary school and the remaining 5 at primary school.


Nkabasakira Monica is very proud of cocoa farming and she is thankful to Esco Uganda limited for its training in saving culture, tree planting, pruning and post harvesting handling.

‘I am very excited that Esco introduced fair trade where the price is good and stable and helps me plan for my money even before I sell’


Hangi Petti

Petti is a committed vanilla and cocoa farmer from Irambura Village. He is a hand working farmer who endeavours to participate in as many trainings and meetings Esco hold. Because of this enthusiasm he has gained leadership skills which have helped him become a Board Member of Kikalizo Cooperative which Esco supports.

Petti says this: "I started cocoa planting in 1998 and got the seedlings from a farmer called Bandaliza Amos. They took almost 2-3 years to start producing and initially I would harvest 30kgs. Now I can harvest 1500kgs from my garden and am able to develop my household. I started with only one garden but by saving money at Katumba store, I now have five gardens, have constructed good houses for my family and educated my children to certificate and degree level. 21 of my grandchildren are in School."

"I would like to take this moment to thank Esco Uganda Limited for being there for us and training me in the following; Saving scheme, Good agricultural practices, vanilla farming and in co-operative management. I am very happy to be a board member of Kikalizo Cooperative society."

Bundibugyo Library


The Bundibugyo Community Library (BCL) was built by Esco Uganda to support the community in Bundibugyo with educational material and other services. Esco Uganda continues to provide financial support for the day to day running of BCL. 

We feel socially accountable to the community and therefore made this donation with special recognition of the cocoa farmers’ efforts, trust and commitment to working with the company for many years; the Library has gone a long way to support the children of farmers in their educational endeavors.  It is the first of its kind in Bundibugyo and in the surrounding districts.

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